How Proper Planning Ensures the Best Flooring Results for Your Business
Posted Mar 29, 2021 by Dave Scaturro

Proper planning prior to starting any project is a must. When it comes to flooring, the time you take to think through the foundational process and the materials you will need can be the difference between obtaining fantastic results and needing to redo the project all over again. Additionally, identifying beforehand what your floors will be exposed to and how much foot traffic it will get can help your flooring contractor select the proper materials and how they will go about installing them.
The flooring industry is constantly challenged by the same repeating issues: installing too early, wet concrete, non-flat sub-floors, sub-floor surface not prepared, heat not on, windows not in and lack of installer training and certification. Sadly, construction timelines have been speeding up to meet demands for faster build times so these challenges will not be going away anytime soon.
When installing new flooring, it’s imperative to have open communication with your contractor about your needs, desired timelines, etc, so that the job can be finished with lower chances of any issues arising. The flooring specialist contracted for the job will be following specific guidelines to ensure the longevity of your floor, and these must be met prior to floor installation. As one of the final trades onsite, the flooring contractor needs certain conditions to be set in advance in order to avoid delays, money wasted and ensure the best possible results.
Alpine Painting and Sandblasting Contractors takes the planning process very seriously so our assignments go without a hitch. We ensure our team representatives take time to establish the needs and organizational aspects of every project, as well as, figure out what will ensure that your floors have longevity and are the best representation of your facility.
Visit our site to schedule a consultation today.