How to Protect Your Warehouse from Water Damage
Posted Jun 01, 2020 by Dave Scaturro
Are you experiencing water seepage or mold and mildew infiltration in your warehouse? Do you find cracks in your façade that are appearing quite frequently as the weather changes? If so the first step is simple; don’t panic. With an accumulation of exposure to the elements and extreme temperature changes, your warehouse is destined to experience these behaviors. The second step is to slow down the process. How exactly do you accomplish that? That's where we step in to help.
Whether your warehouse is used for product or equipment storage, all-in-all it is a place where you are storing your money. Your warehouse needs protection; your money is depending on it. An elastomeric coating is your answer. With the ability to stretch and retain its shape as well as expand and contract in extreme temperatures, an elastomeric coating is the top solution for waterproofing your building.
What are Elastomeric Coatings?
Elastomeric coatings restrict water from lingering on surfaces, a preventative measure toward mold and mildew accretion as well as rotting foundation and structural damage. Believe it or not, this means that elastomeric paint can assist your HVAC system in preventing moisture buildup. Temperature changes due to excessive dampness can decrease in your structure as well. Elastomeric coatings have much more elasticity and elongation compared to typical paint. When the surface of your warehouse changes, whether it is due to temperature or movement, the elastomeric coatings are flexible enough to expand or contract with the surface rather than simply giving in and cracking. With this being said, elastomerics have the ability to endure wind driven rain up to 100 mph; wind and rain that would normally fade and crack your façade. This extreme flexibility can also bond existing cracks in surfaces by moving with them.
Are There Other Options?
Other waterproofing paint products exist as well. Ultra Ever Dry is a clear thin film coating system that is useful for very specific applications. A super hydrophobic coating, Ultra Ever Dry, works by creating an air barrier on the surface that it is applied to. Coatings like these are useful for repelling water, oil, ice and a number of other liquid materials from a surface.
Next Steps...
Now that paint is covered, expansion joints are the next thing to consider ensuring that no water penetrates into your industrial warehouse. Vertical expansion joints are customary on concrete tilt up structures and you will typically get 10-25 years out of the joint, depending on the type of sealant caulk applied. When replacing the sealant, to guarantee that it will adhere to your substrate, our recommendation is to make sure that all existing sealant and backer rod is removed from the surface. The existing sealant can be removed with electric caulk cutters and razor knives, and to ensure all contaminants are removed, wipe down all joint conditions. Where you see rust and where you experience places that sealant will not bond to, make sure to prime the surface. Install new open-cell backer rod with a protective waterproof skin in all joints as needed to control the width to depth ratio as per the manufacturer specification for the new sealant. Re-caulk all vertical expansion joints using a Polyurethane Sealant. This process will provide you with many more water-free years.
Applying waterproof coating systems is a job best left to experienced painting contractors to ensure that the products are being used to their greatest potential. Our team at Alpine Painting has over 40 years of experience in waterproofing and elastomeric coating solutions. Our specialty lies in applying high performance caulk and sealants to expansion joints and we have skilled masons who repair loose mortar joints and tuck or brick point your warehouse’s exterior. Our experience in waterproofing warehouses stretches across New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut. At Alpine Painting the project is completed on time, within budget, and always with the highest quality. Replacing your water damaged goods can be detrimental to your bottom line. Don’t waste any more time contact us at Alpine Painting today.