Experienced Painters in Secure Environments
Surface preparation and finish painting in secure facilities requires skills and alertness beyond the abilities of other painting contractors. The end result might be the same but the process of getting the job done takes more care, more steps and more attention.
Alpine Painting has extensive experience in and around airplane hangars, storage tanks, radar sheds, parking garages, in terminals, maintenance areas and even on structural and control towers. With more than 35-years of working in always open, always active public environments; we know how to integrate our activities with as little inconvenience to others as possible.
Practically pre-qualified for work at your site, our company carries a large insurance policy and our painters and on-site managers have extensive experience working in these highly monitored environments.
Alpine’s crew members have required documentation and undergo background checks. Our employees undergo several days of classroom training prior to becoming eligible for field work. Alpine’s jobsite security procedures and on site protocols are readily adapted to the requirements of the most secure facility.
Before the job even starts our project managers will meet with your team to assess the specific requirements of the site. We review all security directives and develop safety plans for getting the job done safe and efficiently.
Alpine Painting understands the serious nature of our work and the work of others charged with keeping all areas protected. When moving into restricted areas we show security personnel complete respect for their duties and always respond willingly to any requests.
When quality painting and construction services are required in secure environments Alpine Painting is the contractor most capable and experienced for the project. For more information or to review our operational systems contact Alpine Painting today.