Alpine Painting has painted tanks, historical structures, warehouses, and much more; you name it, we’ve probably painted it. While our company has truly provided the best service possible for the past forty years, the processes and procedures that we constantly go through, in order to maximize efficiency and productivity, wasn’t always as simple as it is today.
About a month ago, Alpine Painting blogged about its estimation process and the new technological softwares that we have implemented into our company. However, our advancement in technology doesn’t end there. Last year, our Environmental, Quality, and Safety Manager, Anthony Krake, incorporated a tablet system onto our company so that changes can be made in a organized and coalescent manner. Prior to the iPads that our company has utilized, Alpine Painting would have big binders with the thousands of projects we would be involved with. While the size of the binders would prove to a hindrance at times, the biggest hurdle came from when we had to make changes; thus, the iPad proved to be a long term option.