See You There! SSPC EXPO 2020
Posted Jan 31, 2020 by Dave Scaturro

2500 Coatings Professionals are Expected to Attend - Are You One of Them?
SSPC’s annual conference and trade show is a premiere platform for the coatings workforce to engage with each other, advance the industry and advance their careers. Protective coatings professionals including facility owners, specifiers, manufacturers, contractors, engineers, consultants and inspectors come together during this week to network, train, purchase and bring the latest industry standards back home. This is an important event for our team at Alpine Painting. Sam will be among one of the prestigious presenters and you will be able to connect and network with our coatings experts Sam, Ben, and Matt here at the SSPC Expo.
- Coatings+ attendance has steadily increased by at least 5% every year.
- Over 20% of Coatings+ attendees are first-timers.
- More than 30 companies exhibit for the first time at Coatings+ every year.
Coatings + is comprised of protective, marine, and industrial coatings programming with Technical Sessions and Workshops focusing on surface preparation, application, coating formulation, testing, inspection, and green coatings solutions. SSPC training and certification programs are offered in conjunction with the event, SSPC standards committees meet, and prime networking opportunities abound with a 100,000 square foot trade show featuring 150+ exhibitors. Register Here: http://bit.ly/RegisterSSPCEXPO